Access to care for pets
The deep connection between people and pets is universal, but access to animal care resources is not. In truly humane communities, everyone can obtain what they need for the animals in their lives.
Animal cruelty
Our toughest fights work to address the systemic cruelties embedded in factory farming, animal research and other industries that impact millions of animals.
Animal rescue and response
Local emergency response departments, humane societies and animal shelters often don’t have the resources to help animal victims of disasters and large-scale cruelty cases. That’s where we come in.
Animals in research
Scientific progress and product safety do not need to come at the cost of animal suffering. We are working to speed up the transition from harmful animal experiments to modern, animal-free methods.
Dog and cat welfare
Every day around the world, millions of dogs and cats face neglect and cruelty. From rescues to policy reforms, Humane World for Animals works to protect pets and support people in caring for them.
Ending animal fighting
No animal should have to suffer the barbaric practices of dogfighting and cockfighting. Humane World for Animals is working to end this cruelty in all its forms.
Ending the dog and cat meat trade
Across Asia, millions of dogs and cats are kept in terrible conditions and then killed for their meat. We are still fighting to end this brutality in Indonesia, China, Viet Nam and India.
Farmed animal welfare
Industrial farms cause animal suffering on an unimaginable scale. We work to improve animal welfare on farms, reducing extreme confinement, and to promote a more plant-forward global food system.
Helping captive wildlife
Wild animals belong in their natural habitats, not kept in roadside zoos and circuses for our entertainment. With your help, we’re working to end this cruelty.
Protecting equines
Equines are companions and partners, and it's our responsibility to act as their guardians. Unfortunately, cruelty persists. Humane World for Animals tackles the root causes of this cruelty to end it.
Stopping puppy mills
It's time to end the cruel treatment of dogs in mass breeding operations. We're fighting to stop puppy mills on all possible levels.
Wildlife protection
Stand with Humane World for Animals to put an end to the senseless killing and exploitation of wildlife.
What’s happening
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