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How many more monkeys need to escape labs before primate testing finally ends?

Earlier this month, 43 monkeys escaped Alpha Genesis, a monkey breeding facility in South Carolina that supplies animal...

Something to celebrate this Thanksgiving: Major wins for farm animals in 2024

Celebrating love, gratitude and togetherness is what we enjoy most about Thanksgiving in the U.S. For those who advocate for...

Win or lose, the fight for animals continues—in Florida and beyond

During this past Election Day, which was filled with ups and downs for millions of Americans, we were watching closely for...

Good news: Giraffes are so close to receiving US Endangered Species Act protections

Some fights for animals are a long-game—and that’s certainly been the case for everyone’s favorite long-necked animal, the...

Dog meat restaurant in Viet Nam shuts down leading to rescue of 16 dogs

Sixteen dogs are now safe and recovering well, after being saved by our team from a dog meat restaurant and slaughterhouse in...

Undercover investigation reveals stressed wild animals trapped in shopping mall petting zoos

Keeping wild animals in small, bare cages inside a retail shopping mall is absurd and abhorrently cruel. Yet this is the...

In win for elephants and rhinos, federal court upholds New York's ivory and horn ban

On Wednesday, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit upheld New York’s landmark ban on the sale of...

Advocates propose ban on dog and cat meat trades to Indonesian parliament

We continue to advance high-level action and advocacy to end the dog and cat meat trades in Indonesia as part of the Dog Meat...

71% of Nevada residents want wildlife killing contests banned

Some fights to protect animals turn out to be uphill battles that last for years, requiring a steadfast determination...