I once adopted a chicken named Gloria who had outwitted a neighborhood of angry gardeners (chickens love scratching up plants) and animal control officers for almost a year. After joining my backyard flock, she lived in relative luxury for the rest of her days, enjoying a chicken-size swing set, herb-scented dust baths and daily treats.

Joanne Mcarthur/Essere Animali/We Animals Media
Help protect farm animals
Too many farm animals still suffer terribly as they’re crammed into cages and crates so small and tight they can’t even turn around. That’s why we rejoiced when, in May 2023, the Supreme Court upheld California’s Proposition 12. It’s the nation’s strongest farm animal protection law, and we fought tirelessly to put it in place.
Prop 12 prohibits the sale in California of products from intensively confined farm animals, including eggs from laying hens and meat from mother pigs. Our work didn’t end with the court’s decision. We’re defending Prop 12 and related laws from attacks in the federal farm bill, a multi-year package that governs food production and agriculture policies. The pending House bill includes language to block provisions in Prop 12 and similar laws on the humane treatment of animals.
The proposed language is the result of lobbying by interest groups representing producers who want to continue raising pigs in cruel and extreme confinement. Thousands of other farmers—including many who are meeting consumer demand for more humanely raised products—have written to Congress opposing such language.
The science is clear that movement and the expression of natural behavior is important for farm animals, just as it is for humans and other species.
Ask your federal legislators to oppose farm bill language seeking to reverse much of Prop 12 and other state animal protection laws. Take Action

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