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In Kansas, our rescuers bring dogs and cats from alleged animal cruelty situation to safety

No one deserves to live with the suffocating stench of ammonia and floors, countertops and walls smeared with feces and filth. And yet this is what our Animal Rescue Team discovered at a residence in Topeka, Kansas, early Tuesday morning, where a total of 73 animals were languishing. 

Our team arrived at the request of the Topeka Police Department to help rescue the animals in the alleged animal cruelty situation.  

Group of Great Danes with their ribs showing in a room

Meredith Lee/The HSUS

Many of the dogs seized in Kansas appeared to be severely underweight.

After local authorities served a search and seizure warrant, our team worked all day and late into the evening to save 22 dogs, many of them Great Dane-type dogs, 48 cats, two rats and one guinea pig. Law enforcement also discovered the bodies of 18 deceased animals on the property. The City of Topeka’s Property Maintenance Unit condemned the property following the rescue operation.  

Meredith Lee/The HSUS

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Responders observed that the animals had no apparent access to clean water. A cat was seen perching on a feces-coated kitchen countertop to drink dirty dishwater from the sink.  

I think our Kansas state director Midge Grinstead put it best: “Nothing can prepare you to see animals suffering in such terrible conditions.” 

A large number of cats in a small room in poor conditions

Meredith Lee/The HSUS

A total of 48 cats were found living in the residence with no apparent access to clean water.

Initial veterinarian exams on the scene revealed that many of the dogs are severely underweight, many of the cats have ear mites, most of the animals have fleas, and some appear to be suffering from eye, skin and upper respiratory issues. One extremely emaciated dog we’ve named Betty was so weak and lethargic that the team transferred her to a veterinary hospital for overnight care where she was diagnosed with pneumonia. We transported all the other rescued animals to a confidential, safe location where they will continue to be examined and receive care.  

The evening of their rescue, the animals were each fed a good meal and given clean water. Then they got a much-needed night of rest in clean bedding. RedRover responders are assisting in the care of the animals at the temporary shelter.  

Animal rescue responder carrying dog out of house

Meredith Lee/The HSUS

Our team is transporting the rescued animals to a confidential, safe location where they will continue to receive care.

I am so proud of our Animal Rescue Team for braving yet another difficult deployment in order to do what’s right for animals. Jessica Johnson, senior director of our Animal Rescue Team, said: “There’s no better antidote than being here with the rescued animals on the first day of their new lives, with full bellies and after a good night of sleep.” 

When the animals have had some time to heal, we will be working with our shelter and rescue partners to find them loving homes. We can all take heart in knowing that these animals will never have to live this way again. 

You can help animals in need of urgent rescue by making a donation

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About the Author

Kitty Block is President and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States and CEO of Humane Society International, the international affiliate of the HSUS

Read more about Kitty Block