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Get some “Humane Voices” in your head

I talk to the media pretty regularly about issues and threats facing animals today and about all that we’re doing to help them. The reality of the media world, though, means that these discussions often get boiled down into 10-second sound bites!

Happily, for those who want a deeper look at both the good and the bad on the animal front, we’ve got you covered. Of course, we publish our award-winning All Animals magazine for members, but for those of you stuck in cars for commutes or who love listening to audio content during your workout (or while helping animals!), we’ve recently launched our own podcast. Our team is talking to a variety of Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International experts – on subjects from how you can help fight puppy mills to the impact of climate change on animals – and they’ll be taking on a lot more topics in the future. Suggestions for future podcast topics are welcome and can be submitted by email.

I got to sit down with the producers recently and had a great time going more in-depth about our work and the animals and people who’ve really meant so much to me over the years. That episode has just been released and I hope you’ll give it a listen! You can check out the podcast here or just search ‘Humane Voices’ wherever you typically get your podcasts – we hope it’ll be an inspiration to you as you join us in creating a more humane society.

About the Author

Kitty Block is President and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States and CEO of Humane Society International, the international affiliate of the HSUS

Read more about Kitty Block