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Connect, engage and learn at the Taking Action for Animals conference

Animal advocates from around the nation will converge in Arlington, Virginia, from July 20-23 for the Taking Action for Animals Conference (TAFA), to get a better understanding of animal protection issues, and to strengthen their ability to help animals in their communities through lobbying, outreach, education and other forms of citizen advocacy.

TAFA represents a wonderful opportunity for animal advocates to sharpen their skills and gain the benefit of the best training offered in the animal protection movement from leaders in the field. This year’s offerings include workshops with important, practical and timely information on topics like enacting change on the corporate level, grassroots messaging and digital tools, connecting with animal shelters, recognizing and managing compassion fatigue, and becoming a citizen lobbyist. Attendees can choose from three tracks: Political Animal, Skill Building for Advocates, and Staying Connected. We’re also featuring Take Two!, a repeat track that allows attendees to circle back for popular sessions they may have missed.

Actress Wendie Malick is our special host this year, and a number of political stakeholders, including former U.S. Sen. John Breaux and political strategist Joe Trippi, will be among the headliners. You’ll also hear from a range of program and policy experts from the Humane Society of the United States. HSUS state directors will host regional/state breakouts, enabling attendees to learn about animals issues in their home states.

I will be at TAFA too, and I'll be looking forward to meeting you. During lunch Sunday, in addition to a fun presentation from actor and comedian Hal Sparks, I’ll speak with you about the work we do at the Humane Society of the United States.

On Monday, you may join us for Lobby Day on Capitol Hill, where you can become a citizen lobbyist and meet federal lawmakers or their staff members. You will have an opportunity to discuss important animal protection issues and you’ll learn advocacy skills you can later apply at your local or state level.

There’s something else that’s great about TAFA. There, you’ll have opportunities to network, mix and mingle with Humane Society of the United States staff, volunteers and sponsors as well as other animal advocates at hosted events, including yoga sessions, breakfasts, lunches and receptions. You’ll find so many ways to share ideas and you’ll go home energized with new ones.

This year we’ll also host the Humane Market where we will showcase environmentally conscious and animal-friendly sponsor-donated products for attendees to explore and take home.

The hotel is close to Washington, D.C., where you can take in the sites, explore the great dining and entertainment scene and take in all that our nation’s capital has to offer. It’s an easy trip on Amtrak from many locations along the east coast and the three area airports make Washington one of the most accessible cities in the country.

We hope you will join us for this important conference experience. Please register here before June 22nd for the early bird rate of $120. Use code KITTY for an additional 15 percent off registration.

About the Author

Kitty Block is President and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States and CEO of Humane Society International, the international affiliate of the HSUS

Read more about Kitty Block