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Wildlife protection
Lead poisoning kills countless animals. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Some threats facing animals can seem so gargantuan as to be just part of the status quo—but we are determined to change the...

Access to care for pets
‘Now I see my life differently’: A beautiful story from our Pets for Life program

In the U.S., at least 20 million pets live in homes experiencing poverty or in underserved areas where resources are limited...

Helping captive wildlife
Animals at our sanctuary are enjoying their own Summer Games

All eyes may be on Paris for the Summer Games, as the world’s greatest athletes gather to compete for the most prestigious...

Access to care for pets
A decade of our street dog monitoring program has been a game changer for animals

Before the sun rises, members of our team jump on their motorbikes, checking their phones to make sure their batteries are...

Farmed animal welfare
In significant win, court upholds Massachusetts farm animal protection law

This week, in the case of Triumph Foods v. Campbell, the U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts, upheld the...

Farmed animal welfare Access to care for pets Animal rescue and response
Solidarity at D.C. animal advocacy conference shows the power of our cause

This past weekend we held our Taking Action for Animals conference just outside of Washington, D.C., with over 450 advocates...

Animal rescue and response
In South Korea, a Bok Nal celebration like never before

Ahead of the first Bok Nal since the passage of the Special Act to ban the dog meat industry in South Korea, people gathered...

Animal rescue and response
Cat meat farmer’s change of heart a hopeful sign of change to come in Viet Nam 

I am glad to share the encouraging story of a Vietnamese cat meat farmer who's just decided to give up the trade and join our...

Access to care for pets Wildlife protection Animal rescue and response
Meet our interns, the animal welfare leaders of the future

I recently had the opportunity to meet with our summer interns virtually to learn more about their interests in animal...