Found 408 results for Pets for Life
Pet Equity / Keeping Pets for Life
How Pets for Life changes lives
Your support helps ensure that everyone has a fair shake at pet ownership. Here are just a few of the people and pets we’ve assisted through our lifesaving work.
Decide how to say goodbye once pets show end-of-life signs
The best way to know how to do that is to prepare. Adapting to your senior pet’s needs You can start by making changes to help senior pets have a more comfortable life. For example: Take shorter walks
‘Now I see my life differently’: A beautiful story from our Pets for Life program
In the U.S., at least 20 million pets live in homes experiencing poverty or in underserved areas where resources are limited or essentially nonexistent. This is why I have spoken about access to care as one of the defining animal welfare issues of our time and why we have campaigns like More Than a
New research on Pets for Life shows how meaningful the program is
Since our Pets for Life program began in 2011, over 60 communities across the country have embraced the opportunity to ensure that people have access to the resources they need for their companion animals. In the U.S., at least 20 million companion animals currently live with families experiencing
Pets for Life and RAVS bring lifesaving support to pets and their people during pandemic
The pandemic has hit so many Americans so hard. Among them is Liliana, a single mother in Los Angeles who lost her job as a seamstress in March. She couldn’t find employment despite her best efforts and then, to make matters worse, she became sick with the coronavirus. Liliana and her daughter
Pets for Life brings lifesaving services to underserved areas amidst pandemic
Many communities hit hardest by the coronavirus crisis are those that were already underserved. These are the communities that have high rates of poverty and limited access to veterinary and other pet care services but where we see so much love and heartwarming bonds between people and their animals
Pets for Life lends a helping hand in hurricane-hit Corpus Christi to keep families, pets together
Our trailblazing program, Pets for Life, is in Corpus Christi, Texas, on a special mission this week: to help launch a program that will bring relief to pets in communities still struggling to recover from the effects of Hurricane Harvey. As it happens, these are also some of the city’s poorest
Pets for Life reaches 100,000 spay/neuter surgery milestone
Last week, the HSUS Pets for Life program provided its 100,000 spay/neuter surgery at no cost to pet owners. Since early 2012, PFL has provided over 400,000 essential veterinary services, supplies, and medications to people and pets in need. PFL is a trailblazing program based on two simple premises
How to live with allergies and pets
Millions of people enjoy sharing their homes and their lives with pets, even those who are allergic to animals. Unfortunately, some people believe that once they're diagnosed with a pet allergy, they
“No lack of love”
Minnesota reservation joins the Pets for Life mentorship program and helps keep pets with their families.
Hand to hand
HSUS' Pets for Life delivers peace of mind and support to Philly pet owners during the pandemic.
Resources for pet owners
Humane World for Animals, formerly called the Humane Society of the United States, is not a shelter, parent organization or regulatory/investigative agency for local humane societies, animal shelters
Justice for people and pets
Pets for Life and Rural Area Veterinary Services address issues of equity and access to care by supporting pets and their people.
How to bring your new dog home and make them feel welcome
Bringing a new dog into your life is an exciting event, but it’s also one that can be stressful for both you and your pup until you’ve settled into a routine. It can take days, months or longer for
Caring for older dogs and cats
It happens so fast. One day we’re adopting a young, energetic dog or cat, and then we blink and the veterinarian is telling us we’ve got a senior pet on our hands. If your companion animal is slowing
How to cope with the death of your pet
When a person you love dies, it's natural to feel sorrow, express grief and expect friends and family to provide comfort—but although people often feel the same feelings of grief when they lose a
Help us end inhumane pet euthanasia in animal shelters
If you've ever had to put a beloved pet to sleep, then you know how heartbreaking it can be to lose a member of your family. At the end of a cat or dog's life, the peace of a quiet room, the soft