Found 58 results for FAQ
Animal Rescue Team FAQ
Contents What is Humane World for Animals’ Animal Rescue Team? How/when does the team get called in to help? What sort of situations are you typically called in for? How do you use your mobile
Outdoor cats FAQ
Contents What is an outdoor cat or community cat? What is TNR? Where can I get help sterilizing the cats I feed? How can I tell if a cat I see outside is lost or needs my help? I’ve found a litter of
Investigations FAQ
Cosmetics animal testing FAQ
Equine immunocontraception FAQ
For more than half a century, Humane World for Animals and Humane World Action Fund, formerly called the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society Legislative Fund, have campaigned for
Humane Lobby Day FAQ
Contents Will I be talking to lawmakers face-to-face? Will I be escorted or alone? Can I partner with a friend so I'm not alone? What legislation will we be discussing? Is there anything I can do to
Resources for pet owners
Humane World for Animals, formerly called the Humane Society of the United States, is not a shelter, parent organization or regulatory/investigative agency for local humane societies, animal shelters
Często zadawane pytania (FAQ)
Dziękujęmy za Twoją troskę o zwierzęta na całym świecie. Poniżej znajdziesz odpowiedzi na najczęściej zadawane pytania. Sprawdź, czy odpowiedzieliśmy na Twoje zapytanie. Jeśli jeszcze tego nie zrobiliśmy, skontaktuj się z nami pod adresem Czy mogę zapłacić używając systemu
Glue Traps: FAQs
Q: What are glue traps? A: Glue traps, also known as glue boards, are trays coated with an extremely strong adhesive. Any animal who touches one becomes stuck and is unable to escape. Q: Do glue traps kill the animals? A: No. The animal is immobilised but not killed outright. Q: What happens to
FAQs about CITES
What is CITES? The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ( CITES) is a treaty that governs the international trade in endangered plants and animals. Signing the treaty is voluntary; over 170 nations have signed and ratified CITES to date. The treaty contains
Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQ
Thank you for remembering animals during this difficult time. They still need our help and we are continuing our work worldwide as well as we can despite this crisis. As always, we are so grateful for your support. What is HSI doing during this crisis? With the aim of preventing pet abandonment and